Often we find ourselves asking the age old existential questions. Who am I? What is my purpose? (If there is a purpose at all). What is the right thing to do? These questions keep circling the minds of most people, either consciously or subconsciously. So much so, that this constant analysis is almost a routine.
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/  7:17:00 PM
3 Simple Steps To Get Rid Of Your Insecurities#Bury Them Forever  Are you finding it hard to get out of your increasingly fearsome insecurities. But before healing them the first step to do is to recognize them. What is it that makes you insecure?? Try
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zen meditation

/  10:58:00 PM
In Zen Buddhism, zazen (literally "seated meditation"; Japanese: 坐禅 is a meditative discipline that is typically the primary religious practice. The precise meaning and method of zazen varies from school to school, but in general it can be regarded as a means of
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Really? Who does that? This would be the reaction of many people who haven't experienced the magical world, where all the thoughts and feelings find a new horizon to mark their presence in the eternity. It is that elusive art of solitude which
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